I'm not a big fan of Amsterdam-metro. I have actually never thought about found itself in writing to the system of public transport in Amsterdam, and certainly not metro inspired by post! However, metro ajoneuvoliikenteessä has become much more enjoyable experience makeover after complete the Interior of the last few months. Gone are the graffiti (type, which can hardly be considered artistic) and smudged walls and seats. Stepping into the Treaty of Amsterdam Metro these days is like taking the breath of fresh air. Commuters now greets stunning templates, which are soothing to the eye and absolutely inspiring. Underwater world theme colorful tropical fish, turtles and mermaids striking, but other designs, I love belongs to one of the city of flying the musical instruments and scenes, Delft Blue properties.
You never know what you are going to see when you step into the Treaty of Amsterdam Metro are different models. When I used the subway yesterday, I was confronted with a new design that spoke directly to my heart.The theme was "177 connections to Amsterdam"-a reference to the 177 countries nationals who reside in the city. [1] [2] the entire car was little boxes in the capital cities of statistics on the population of these countries, the gross national product (GNP), the annual rainfall in the country concerned and the number of people living in Amsterdam.
177 Connections photos courtesy of Clever Franke & Uber-Stuff(I) the relationship of design offices, who created this concept, and this is they had to say ' 177 connections to Amsterdam ' the theme information:
177 different nationalities live in Amsterdam with it is the world's different nationalities, the largest number in the capital cities.This infographic the capitals of these nationalities 177 of geographical and national statistics.The lines represent the citizens of these countries, the Treaty of Amsterdam, immigration and the thickness of each row represents a particularly concerned, the nationality of the number of people living in Amsterdam.
Currently geography and information freak I was full of delight and walked around the metro car, such as the processing of that selection of kid candy store! Seriously my hat's off Clever Franke and Uber-Stuff designers who created this concept! Art + education = inspiration! And I was inspired to for sure!
Read other Velvet Escape post Amsterdam:
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